Welcome To Taman Desa Relau 2
(The Joint Management Body of Taman Desa Relau 2)

September 01, 2014

TDR2 ~ Insurance 2014-2015

There are still pending insurance for 2014-2015  ready for collection.

Please take note that this is compulsory common insurance that cover our common areas in Taman Desa Relau 2 for specific damages that may arise. For further information you may request it at the management office.

All resident are reminded to proceed to the management office to collect it if you have not done so as soon as possible.

Please take note that all high rise residential will have this insurance as well to cover any damages that may arises to our common properties areas.

If you still served your housing bank loan, please collect this insurance and let your bank know that you have purchase one. Else, you will be charge again by your bank as they will purchase another for you.