Welcome To Taman Desa Relau 2
(The Joint Management Body of Taman Desa Relau 2)

October 30, 2014

Rooftop blockage clearing - FOC by resident.

We like to announced that JMB have managed to clear the rooftop blockage due to plant, rubbish and etc. Before this, it brought about numerous of water dripping to top floor at each block.

We sincerely would like to thank Bro Aik Keong our chairman, for his free of charge (FOC) service that save us RM14,400. Bro Aik Keong team have risk themselves to help us. Let's be thankful for such a good resident and chairman.

Each job quoted by vendor is RM3,600 which we feel exorbitant expensive and overcharged. Total job quoted was 4 x 3,600 = RM14,400. 

We hope more resident will be able to come forward to volunteer and help in various areas eg. chargeman, electrician, gardening and etc. This will help us to low down our maintenance cost in managing TDR2.

Click here to access more photos.

We would like remind all TDR2 resident NOT to use your own external vendor to fix your apartment due to eg. water leakage from common areas to your unit prior approval from JMB. Such cost will not be absorb by JMB.

There is a proper procedure to follow to avoid any corruption and etc ill activities.